Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions

1. My shipment has not arrived, what do I do?

If your shipment has not arrived, you can track it by visiting postnord.se and using the tracking number that we sent you via email

2. I bought the wrong item, can I return it?

Wrong purchase? You have a 14-day right of withdrawal. You are responsible for shipping and the product must be in its original condition upon return.

3. I have not received a confirmation email, what do I do?

If you have not received a confirmation email, please check your spam folder first. If it is not there, contact us at info@rostfri.nu

4. How long does it take before I receive/can pick up my package(s)?

Delivery time varies depending on the product, but usually we ship within 1-3 business days. We always strive for the fastest possible delivery, but sometimes external factors can cause delays.

5. Why can't I collect my package(s) immediately?

We do not have a physical store. You will be notified when your goods are packed and sent from us.

6. Can I call you?

Currently, we only answer questions via email. Contact us via info@rostfri.nu or fill in the contact form on our website.

7. Can I shop as a private person?

Absolutely! It works great, the prices on the website are also stated incl. VAT.